Welcome to Expedition MS: A Message From the Founder

Idea and Motivation

Expedition MS is a journey to redefine possibilities for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Inspired by my father's 20-year battle with Primary Progressive MS, this initiative seeks to create a global sailing movement that fosters inclusivity and breaks down barriers for those affected by MS. Our mission is to show that life with MS can still be vibrant and full of potential. Through sailing, we aim to demonstrate that "Yes, we can still do it!"

We aim to:

  • Promote collaboration and community support.

  • Focus on possibilities rather than limitations.

  • Empower individuals and groups through shared experiences.

  • Demonstrate that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

The inspiration behind Expedition MS comes from a deeply personal place. My father, Tim Archie, maintained a sense of humor and resilience despite the challenges of MS, which profoundly influenced our family. This spirit of never giving up is at the heart of Expedition MS.

A pivotal moment was during my grandparents' 60th anniversary party, where both my father and my aunt Nancy, recently diagnosed with ALS, were present in wheelchairs. This gathering underscored the need for greater awareness and support for those with neurodegenerative diseases. My father's philosophy was that MS would adapt to our family, not the other way around. This mindset inspired me to create Expedition MS.

The concept crystallized during my involvement with the National MS Society, where I led fundraising efforts for their Bike MS events. I saw an opportunity to expand these efforts into the world of sailing, combining my passion for the sea with a mission to support the MS community.

Goals and Objectives

Expedition MS aims to:

  • Raise awareness and funds for MS research and support.

  • Integrate individuals with disabilities into the maritime community.

  • Provide therapeutic and empowering sailing experiences.

  • Foster a global dialogue about overcoming limitations through collective effort and technology.

The Journey Ahead

Expedition MS will embark on a global circumnavigation, stopping at various ports to engage with local communities, share stories, and promote inclusivity. This journey will be documented through high-quality media collaborations, to bring the thrill of sailing to those unable to participate physically.

Our storytelling will highlight the financial and emotional burdens of MS, aiming to fund MS-related expenses for families and alleviate economic strains. By partnering with organizations like the National MS Society and the International Progressive MS Alliance, we will ensure our efforts have a lasting impact.

Expedition MS is not just a sailing adventure; it is a movement to inspire and uplift. We are committed to showing that life with MS can be full of possibility and joy, echoing our family's motto: "We Crack Ourselves Up."

By sharing our journey, we hope to foster a broader understanding and appreciation of the strength and resilience of those living with MS. Join us as we sail towards a future where everyone, regardless of their physical limitations, can find adventure and fulfillment on the open seas.