Set Sail For a Cause

Join our journey to fight Multiple Sclerosis and explore the world

Our Mission

To inspire and empower those affected by MS and showcase the resilience of the human spirit.

Our Vision

Empowering and uniting the global MS community through sailing and storytelling to embrace adventure, overcome boundaries, and celebrate resilience.

Why Expedition MS?

Inspired Tim Archie’s resilience and humor during his 20-year battle with Primary Progressive MS, Expedition MS seeks to restore opportunities and dignity to those affected by Multiple Sclerosis. This global sailing initiative raises awareness and funds while integrating individuals with disabilities into the maritime community. Guided by the principle that adversity does not confine spirit or potential, our mission promotes inclusivity and participation in sailing adventures, transforming the narrative of disability.

By documenting and sharing compelling stories of courage and community, we aim to inspire individuals and spark a broader dialogue about overcoming limitations through collective effort and innovative technology. Through Expedition MS, we honor Tim’s legacy, demonstrating that strength and humor can navigate even the toughest seas.By documenting and sharing compelling stories of courage and community, we aim to inspire individuals and spark a broader dialogue about overcoming limitations through collective effort and innovative technology. Through Expedition MS, we honor Tim’s legacy, demonstrating that strength and humor can navigate even the toughest seas.

Our Approach

Our approach at Expedition MS is to embark on a global sailing expedition that becomes a dynamic storytelling platform, raising awareness for Multiple Sclerosis and gathering funds for research and direct support. We're collaborating with renowned documentarians and YouTube channels to capture the spirit of resilience, share it with a worldwide audience, and inspire action.

Our journey involves engaging with local communities at each port, providing sailing experiences, and strengthening support networks. Through events and partnerships, we advocate for inclusivity in sailing and offer respite for caregivers, ensuring every milestone reached contributes to a broader understanding and tangible aid for those affected by MS.

Our Purpose

At Expedition MS, we transform the lives of those affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) through innovation and inclusivity. Inspired by the resilience and humor of our founder’s father, who battled Primary Progressive MS, we use sailing to raise awareness and integrate individuals with disabilities into the maritime community. We ignite conversations about overcoming limitations by sharing stories of courage and community. Through partnerships and media, we bring the thrill of sailing to those who cannot participate physically and support families with MS-related expenses. We believe in facing challenges with resilience, humor, and collective effort, transforming adversity into empowerment.

Get Involved

  • 🤝 Partner with Us

    Partner with us to amplify our message, create impact, and build a stronger community through collaboration with MS organizations and the sailing community.

  • đź’Ľ Sponsor

    Make a positive impact by funding MS research and treatment. Partner with us through financial contributions or in-kind resources to support our global sailing initiative and awareness efforts.

  • đź“– Share Your Story

    Share your story to inspire others. Your experiences can ignite hope, courage, and determination, encouraging others to overcome their own challenges and embrace positive change.

  • 📱 Share on Social Media

    Spread awareness about Multiple Sclerosis by sharing our sailing initiative's stories and achievements on social media to inspire others to join our cause.

  • 📬 Subscribe to Newsletter

    Subscribe to the Expedition MS newsletter for updates, behind-the-scenes stories, event info, and ways to get involved. Join our community!

  • 🤲 Volunteer

    Join our team to make a lasting impact through outreach, events, or admin tasks. Support individuals with MS and their families as a valued volunteer.

Are you with us?

Join us on a journey of perseverance & adventure as we sail around the world to raise awareness and support for MS. Please reach out to explore ways to get involved, partner, sponsor, volunteer, and more!